
Promo bilietai

Visi promo bilietai
Dominikos Respublika, La Romana
Prancūzija, Paryžius
Maldyvų salos, Malė
Italija, Verona
Italija, Milanas
Tailandas, Puketas
Indonezija, Balis, s.
Mauricijus, Port Luisas

Airtickets for direct charter flights Warsaw - La-Romana, Dominican Republic, winter 2025

We`d like to offer you tickets for direct charter flights of the Orex Poland tour operator on the route Warsaw - La Romana, Dominican Republic, operated on a modern plane - Boeing 777-300. Charter program period: 18.12.2024–05.04.2025.

Cost starting from 1107 EUR per person round trip. Luggage is included in the price.


Airtickets for regular direct flights Chisinau (RMO) to Paris (CDG) by FlyOne

We have opened airtickets sale for all direct regular flights of FlyOne, including the French capital - Paris. Departures from Chisinau International Airport.

The cost is starting from 232 EUR per person for round trip.
The tariffes offered for sale are: Standard (only small hand luggage); Loyal, Advantage with checked luggage up to 20 kg.


Tickets for a direct charter Warsaw-Male, Maldives, by LOT, fall 2024

Airtickets for direct charter Warsaw - Male, Maldives for the fall tourist season of 2024 are available for sale. Departures from Warsaw International Airport WAW by LOT on a modern Boeing 787 Dreamliner airliner. Flight program period is: from 10/30/2024 till 12/18/2024.

Price from 1334 EUR per person round trip. Luggage is included in the price.


Sale of air tickets for direct flights Chisinau-Verona, Italy by Bees Airline RO

Direct flights from Chisinau to Verona, Italy are offered by the Romanian air carrier Bees Airline RO. Departures on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 01.10.2024 to 29.03.2025.

Cost from116 EUR per person in both directions.
fares: Easy - hand luggage only, Comfort, Advanced - with luggage up to 23 kg.


Sale of air tickets for direct flights Suceava-Bergamo, Italy by Bees Airline RO

We would like offer Youair tickets for direct regular flightsof an airline with Ukrainian roots Bees Airline RO on the route Suceava-Bergamo, Italy . Departures on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 24.11.2024 to 23.03.2025.

Cost from116 EUR per person in both directions.
fares: Easy - hand luggage only, Comfort, Advanced - with luggage up to 23 kg.


Air tickets for direct charter Katowice - Phuket, Thailand, by LOT - Polish Airlines on Boeing 787 Dreamliner

We are pleased to offer youair tickets for direct charter flights on the route Katowice - Phuket, Thailandon the wings of LOT airline. Flights LO 6195 /LO 6196 will be operated on a modern Boeing 787 Dreamliner for the fall-winter period 2024-2025 from11/03/2024 to 03/30/2025.

Cost from 1427 EUR per person in both directions. Luggage is included in the price.


Air tickets for direct charter Warsaw - Bali, Indonesia, LOT airline, winter 2025

Airtickets for direct charter Warsaw - Bali, Indonesia for the winter tourist season of 2025 are available for sale. Departures from Warsaw International Airport WAW by LOT on a modern Boeing 787 Dreamliner airliner. Flight program period is: from 01/09/2025 till 03/21/2025.

Price from 1427 EUR per person round trip. Luggage is included in the price.


Direct charter flight Warsaw (WAW) - Mauritius (MRU) by LOT Polish Airlines

New destination for the 2024-2025 season! Direct charter flights on the route Warsaw - Mauritius (MRU) by LOT Polish Airlines on Boeing 787-Dreamliner. Charter program period:11/07/2024-03/13/2025. Read more...

The price starting from 1415 EUR per person for round trip. The price includes only hand luggage of 5 kg. Checked baggage is paid extra.

Visi promo bilietai

Užsakomųjų skrydžių bilietai iš Rytų Europos, Baltijos šalių, taip pat iš Kazachstano.

Charter tickets

„CharterShop“ - Ukrainos užsakomųjų skrydžių bilietų pardavimo projektas, sukurtas 2014 m. Atsižvelgdami į Rusijos karinę invaziją ir vėliau uždarytą Ukrainos oro erdvę, išplėtėme paslaugų ir pasiūlymų teikimo geografiją į kaimynines šalis ir už jų ribų. Norėtume padėkoti savo klientams už pasitikėjimą ir naujus pageidavimus. Šiandien džiaugiamės galėdami pranešti, kad esame pasirengę teikti užsakomųjų skrydžių bilietų į populiarius turistinius kurortus užsakymo paslaugas skrydžiams iš tokių šalių kaip Lenkija, Moldova, Rumunija, Vengrija, Čekija, Slovakija, Estija, Latvija, Lietuva, taip pat iš Kazachstano. Siekdami užtikrinti klientų mokėjimų ir mokėjimų mūsų partneriams saugumą, veikiame savo partnerių įmonių, kurios yra ES teritorijoje, vardu.


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